How to Arrive
How to arrive the Montegonfoli’s Farm
Agriturismo Montegonfoli – Via S. Andrea, 23 – 53037 Ulignano-S.Gimignano (SI)
Tel:+390577951103 – Fax.+390577951103
email: agriturismo@montegonfoli.it.
Our holiday farm is in San Gimignano, province of Siena, in the heart of Tuscany. It is very simple and also very pleasant to arrive here. There are a lot of possible routes, through roads which cross one of the most beautiful territory of the whole planet. Using a G.P.S. the address Via S. Andrea, 23 is not mapped, but the road SP 127 can be easily found. S. Andrea 23 is a crossbar of SP127, between Ulignano and San Gimignano. The coordinates to set up are MN, 11.06273 ° 43.48919°
Who does not use a satellite navigator: Both coming from North and South, we suggest to take the motorway Firenze-Siena (from highway A1 either coming from North or South the exit is Val di Chiana) and then once on the motorway Si-Fi exit “Poggibonsi Nord”. From here follow signs for San Gimignano and then turn right after the second roundabout following signs for “ULIGNANO”. About two kilometers after passed the small town of Ulignano find the sign on the right ” Agriturismo Montegonfoli “.
From Pisa Airport: The best route is the FI-PI-LI motorway (Florence, Pisa, Livorno), exit Empoli West. From here follow directions for Siena. Once passed the town of Certaldo (famous for having given the birth to poet Boccaccio) , always towards Siena, follow directions for Ulignano (on the right). After few kilometers passed the small town of Ulignano find the sign on the right “Agriturismo Montegonfoli “. From San Gimignano: Via San Andrea,23 is a crossbar of SP127, which joins San Gimignano and Ulignano. From San Gimignano follow directions for Ulignano.